7 Days to Wellness: A Natural Approach to Reduce Toxins and Cleanse the Body артикул 5555d.
7 Days to Wellness: A Natural Approach to Reduce Toxins and Cleanse the Body артикул 5555d.

Your good health is your number one asset and the toxins in your body may be poisoning you! Balance and begin to restore your health in just 7 days This book describes a program that features the use of organic foods and juices and is part of a seven-day process to get renewed and recharged by cleansing and detoxifying the body, clearing the mind, and claiming ожфъс the spirit The 7 Days to Wellness Program combines many of the well-known approaches to cleansing and detoxifying using water, teas, broths, juices, herbal supplements, and suggested daily activities and structures them in a manner that is easy for you to use Do you suffer from feeling tired, listless or moody? nasal congestion and excess mucus in your body? stiff knee and joint pain? headaches? Then Take Some Time Out to Cleanse, Detoxify and Heal As we often take time out for ourselves with a vacation to slow down from the busy pace of life, we also need to give our bodies a vacation and some time to recharge by cleansing and detoxifying Why cleanse and detoxify? As our body naturally generates new cells to keep itself in good health, it attempts to cleanse itself by the elimination of toxins In our efforts to live a healthier lifestyle, the escape from toxins on a daily basis may be difficult to totally avoid since they can be generated from internal and external sources that we have little control over including emotional issues, environmental, and substances in our food A natural cleansing process provides an opportunity to remove toxins and other build-up that may be blocking your system from functioning at its optimal level.  Ashfiel2010 г Мягкая обложка, 108 стр ISBN 1452000867.